Ro Technology, insieme a Consoft Sistemi, Adecco Group (Mylia) e l’università La Sapienza di Roma, partecipa ad “ARCHEM – Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage in Etruria Meridionale”, il progetto di innovazione turistica che vede tra i propri partner anche realtà come Unindustria, i Comuni di Civitavecchia e Tolfa, i poli culturali di Tolfa e delle Terme Taurine di Civitavecchia e alcune realtà imprenditoriali locali.
Continue reading “Ro Technology partecipa al progetto ARCHEM”Autore: rob
Meeting di avanzamento Teinvein
In rappresentanza di RoTechnology, Diego Grimani, co-manager dell’Area Ricerca e Norma Griset, Manager della sede a Milano, hanno partecipato al Meeting Teinvein M18.
L’incontro tenutosi il 13 novembre 2018 presso Modis Consulting srl a Milano aveva come obiettivo l’avanzamento semestrale del progetto di ricerca in materia di “Tecnologie Innovative per Veicoli Intelligenti” da cui l’acronimo.Alla presenza di tutti i partners coinvolti, RoTechnology ha presentato il punto OR8 su Disseminazione e sfruttamento dei risultatidando evidenza del rapporto con i Clusters coinvolti – Mobilità e Fabbrica Intelligente- e mettendo in luce le principali azioni di dissemination e exploitation messe in atto.
Demeter, un nuovo progetto Horizon 2020
Una Innovation Action di H2020-DT-2018-2020/Topic DT-ICT-08-2019Il progetto prevede la valorizzazione degli agricoltori e delle cooperative agricole per
- Sfruttare al meglio le proprie piattaforme operative e gli apparati di sensori esistenti per estrarre nuove funzionalità e proprietà dalle quali migliorare le decisioni strategiche.
- Semplificare l’acquisizione, l’evoluzione e l’aggiornamento negli ambiti specifici focalizzando gli investimenti dove ce n’è bisogno, basati sugli obiettivi misurati dagli indicatori chiave (KPIs) da loro selezionati
Ro Technology verrà coinvolta in tutte le attività progettuali, in particolare modo in Security, protocolli di comunicazione, reti di sensori, Business Intelligence/Datawarehouse e Data analytics (AI).
Damon si evolve, nuove installazioni e web app.
Gli ambiti di applicazione e le potenzialità di DAMON (DAta MOnitoring sensors Network), il nuovissimo progetto dell’area Ricerca & Sviluppo della Ro Technology, sono davvero molteplici, come dimostrano le ultime novità riguardanti le nuove installazioni del prototipo del sensore per il monitoraggio delle coltivazioni agricole.
Continue reading “Damon si evolve, nuove installazioni e web app.”Italy will host the annual MegaM@Rt2 plenary meeting, with the logistics organization of RoTechnology
From 24 to 26 October 2017, Italy will host the annual MegaM @ Rt2 plenary meeting to be held in Rome at the Best Western Plus Universo Hotel.
MegaM @ Rt2 is a project funded by the Electronic Component Systems for the European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL-JU) under the grant agreement n. 737494. This community project receives the support of the research and innovation program of the European Union Horizon 2020 and the 7 participating countries.
MegaM @ Rt2 studies the continuous development and runtime validation of scalable models of complex systems. This will improve the productivity, quality and predictability of large and complex industrial systems and strengthen European scientific and technological leadership in the design of complex systems.
More than 50 representatives of the 27 companies and university partners of the project will be present at the event, from the 7 countries involved: Sweden, France, Spain, Italy, Finland and the Czech Republic.
The logistics of the event is organized by one of the Italian partners: RoTechnology srl, an innovative technological SME with offices in Rome, Milan and Reggio Calabria.
The new DAMON prototype is born

The RoTechnology prototype, installed in an olive grove, aims to collect data for monitoring the most common pest infestations. However, this is not the only application for such a versatile and innovative project: reachable remotely using high-speed 3G and 4G networks, and operating in all weather conditions, the software has the ability to collect environmental parameters of any kind and manage them in a customized way. Other planned applications include monitoring air quality in warehouses, motion detection, recognition, identification and detection of objects through specific open-source software.
The data collected is saved in the cloud, but the customization options also include the possibility for the user to set the storage mode independently; all the data collected, recorded in a database, can also be viewed in the form of a graph.
In the wake of the success achieved with the installation in the field, the RoTechnology team will soon implement new and exciting features for DAMON; the versatility of this promising project is just one of the many qualities that we will soon be able to admire.

RoTechnology in the table “On board sensors and connected vehicles” in Brescia
On June 4, RoTechnology participated in the workgroup of the Lombard Cluster for Mobility (CLM), held at the CSMT – Multisectoral and Technological Services Center of Brescia, also open to the participation of other clusters and non-associated companies. A total of 22 companies participated, 2 universities, 1 research center and 3 Lombard clusters (Mobility, Aerospace, Smart Cities and Communites), in addition to the institutional presence of the Province of Brescia.
The meeting, entitled “On board sensors and connected vehicles”, touched on the themes of autonomous driving (from the analysis of the vehicle through the monitoring of the driver status, to the data and image processing), of intelligent mobility (long connectivity radius, infrastructures for data transmission) and archiving and analysis of Big Data with the “Data Lake” method.
The event was a fruitful moment of sharing projects and perspectives of individual institutions and highlighted the possibility of intersectoral collaborations between Aerospace and Automotive, which share some technological scenarios, including that of reducing emissions, electric power, and sensors and applications deriving from Earth observation.
Source: Lombardia Aerospace Cluster
SafeCOP, training in Stockholm
The event was held at the Rosersbergs Slott Hotel near Stockholm, and in anticipation of the end of the three-year project, scheduled for March 2019, it was an excellent opportunity to refine the goals in view of releases and demonstrators in their version last.
RoTechnology in Madrid with AFarCloud!
RoTechnology participated in the Kick-off meeting from 4 to 7 September at the Madrid Polytechnic, Project Coordinator.
We will participate in the development of positioning and mapping algorithms of UAVs, Safety Analysis, security on the WSN and Blockchain network applied to the agricultural supply chain.
CyberTech Europe 2018, RoTechnology present in the most innovative events
RoTechnology participated in the CyberTech Europe 2018 event, dedicated to the latest innovations in the cyber security sector.
CyberTech provides participants with the opportunity to learn about the latest innovations and solutions provided by the cyber international community.
The main objectives of the conference are the creation of new contacts, the strengthening of alliances and the creation of new connections.
Present at the event were the world security big names, including: Leonardo, RSA-Dell-EMC, Kaspersky, Fortinet, Palo Alto Networks, VmWare.