Name: A Human-centred Internet of Things Platform for the Sustainable Digital Mine of the Future
Acronym: Dig_IT
Start date: 04/05/2020 End date: 30/04/2024
Budget: 7M funding
Funding source: Horizon2020
Project objectives: The project will address the needs of the mining industry to move forward towards a sustainable use of resources while keeping people and environment at the forefront of their priorities. In order to achieve that Dig_IT proposes the development of a smart Industrial Internet of Things platform (IIoTp) that will improve the efficiency and sustainability of mining operations by connecting cyber and physical systems.
Key technology involved: Mining and mineral processing, Digital mine, Internet of Things, Natural resources exploration and exploitation.
Ro Technology output/expected output: Ro Technology leads the cybersecurity activities designing a framework to provide security in applications of WSN, including a novel cryptographic scheme and novel intrusion detection schemes over WSN for critical infrastructures. Furthermore, Ro Technology take cares dissemination and communication activities as well as supports partners in protecting and exploiting research results.
Project website:
Lead partner: Instituto Tecnologico de Aragon,
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